Introducing McClayne Reardon..

We had an absolutely amazing labor and birth experience and just had to show off our little one...McClayne Darsi Reardon was born on October 16, 2008 at 11:11 am, weighing in at 7lbs, 11 oz. and was 18 3/4 inches long.
Mike is completely wrapped around her little finger already, but after you see her little face, there's no way you can't be :o) She's absolutely adorable (no bias there at all).
I am feeling great, no complaints or pain (and yes, that includes a drug-free labor and delivery). Overall, I'm just so thankful for a healthy little daughter and that we were able to have her at a birth center surrounded by the most amazing midwives. There's not a single second I would change. Life is good. Yes, she IS sleeping through the night. Very lucky for us. And yes, she's the perfect baby already.
And as a really cool side note, once I got rid of all of the excess pregnancy fluids, these sculpted cyclists legs emerged. They look better than when I was riding every day of the week. Best and most surprising side effect ever. But now it's anyone's guess as to when I'll actually get back on a bike again...
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