Sunday marked the final race of the Georgia State Championship Series. All of us noted how ironic it was that the first race was the coldest (30s – 40s) and the last race was the hottest (90s – 100s)! The temperature was brutal and the dry conditions left the trail with some tricky sandy spots that claimed several unsuspecting riders.

(“I guess we have to start lining up”)
By 11:30, everybody was dreading the race. Bruce (our verbose announcer) kept “hydrate people, hydrate” coming across the speakers. I drank a bottle of water before lining up. I was feeling hungry (never a good sign before a race) and although the thought of having a hot dog before the start was very appealing, the reality was that it would NOT be a good idea. I was already feeling overheated and I hadn’t even put my armor on yet! I was putting it off as long as possible. Finally most of the men are gone and it’s our turn. Bruce is rushing us and encouraging us to try to catch up with the men, so 30 seconds later, we are off.

(“Wait, I can’t get my computer started!”)
I got a slow start. I just wasn’t feeling it. Angie was obviously feeling strong today and was pushing hard. I tried to keep up with her, but just didn’t have any desire to get out of the saddle and hammer ahead. I followed her into the woods. Now in the shade, I started to feel like I was recovering from the start. I passed her and just tried to relax and keep my momentum going. She stayed close behind me, but eventually I was able to put some distance between us. About a half a mile from finishing the first lap, I almost slide out going around a corner. Something doesn’t feel right! I turn and feel the lack of control of the bike that only can indicate one thing: I have a FLAT! Being so close to finishing the first lap, I didn’t want to get off the bike and mess with the tire there. Maybe that was not the best strategy, but all I could think about was just getting the lap behind me first, and then being able to cool off a bit (I was seriously overheating at this point) while changing the tire. I had to carefully navigate myself down the rest of the trail on the flat and almost lost control a few times. By the time we went into the completion of the lap, Angie had caught up to me and sprinted through to start the 2nd lap as I dismounted to start working on my bike.
I was shaking, sweating, and just not moving fast enough! Thanks to D running to get me more liquid and throwing water all over me, I managed to cool down and wipe off while changing out the tire. My pit stop cost me about 10 minutes or more. I watched as all the girls in my class passed me. I decided to ditch the arm pads to allow more ventilation. Finally I was back on the bike. It was hard getting going again, but I decided that I was just going to have to find a good pace so that I would be able to finish the race and not allow myself to back off so much that I am out there in the heat all day! It’s hard once you have had a mechanical or flat to mentally get back into an aggressive mode.
Once I hit the single track again, I felt like I had recovered a bit, and I was feeling good again. I got into a nice groove and was enjoying the ride. I got closer to the climb and as I turned the corner, I saw Trish (in 3rd) pushing her bike. I carefully maneuvered around her as I made my way up the climb. I didn’t think I would be able to be back in the race, and claiming back once spot, gave me an extra boost of energy. With the climb behind me, I only had to worry about doing it one more time.

(Angie riding strong up the climb)
As I came through to start the 3rd lap, I shed my knee pads. I just wasn’t cooling down enough! By the start of the 3rd lap, I had started to feel some cramping set in. I stretched on the bike as much as I could and kept a comfortable pace. Suddenly I saw Beth (in 2nd) in the woods up ahead. I tried to push just a little harder, staying conscience of the cramping. I managed to catch up to Beth and passed her before we hit the climb. I had already decided that I would walk up the climb this time, not wanting to risk cramping and having my legs lock up on me. I hit the climb, quickly dismounted, pushed my bike up it, stretched when I got to the top, and then was on my way again. The quick stretching of the quads definitely helped relieve some of the cramping, but I had forgotten to stretch my inner thighs and they were starting to tighten up more now. I just needed to keep it together for 1 more mile. One circle at a time, drink, drink, breathe… I start to hear the announcer through the woods. I’m almost there! As we come out of the woods to head down the straight-away to the finish, one of the guys that had been riding with me on and off through the race, encourages me to push a little harder to finish, and comes up behind me and puts his hand on my back, giving me a little shove. I am so relieved to be done! Bruce, being evil, starts joking about how I’m going to be disqualified because someone pushed me… whatever! He was just trying to get a rise out of me, but I was too hot and too tired to care. I had managed to dig myself out of the hole from last place, to get 2nd. I was thrilled.

(“Everybody STRETCH!”)
I realized 2 things after the race though: 1) I need to learn how to change a flat faster! 2) I need to drill some holes into my armor!
After sitting around chatting to some riders for a bit about the race and riding in general, we headed back to the car and D hosed me down for a good 10 minutes. It felt great! I wished I could have jumped in the pool! We had to wait around for the race awards and then later, they had the series awards. Dave and Terri did a great job putting together a nice spread of food, and then the awards were handed out. I had a great season this year. I am thankful for that. I finished in first place, and will be moving up to expert next year.
I want to extend a big thank you to everybody that has dedicated their time into making these events possible for us. These well organized events surrounded by many smiling faces, keep you coming back for more of the pain! =)

(“And the winner is…”)
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