GSC #7
by Nicki & Jose
Nicki's take on Ellijay;
Yesterday marked the second to last race of the Georgia series. We couldn’t have actually asked for better conditions. With all the rain surrounding us, it could have turned out to be very nasty- had it been wet.
They changed the course this year, which I thought was a positive change. Last years’ start up on the road was just evil as far as gradient, and then dropped into one of the nastiest descents. Just what you want at the start: a bunch of folks racing down a nasty downhill section with blown up legs. So the trail had a lot better flow this year. Well, until you have to dismount to walk the climbs ;)
I got a good start. The road section was fast but toward the end, it had a bit of a climb. I found myself staying in the saddle and starting to gear down and I noticed that the girls behind were gaining on me and then at some point were right next to me. I had to make the conscious decision that I had to push myself and embrace the pain of getting out of the saddle and pushing a bigger gear to get into the woods first. I stood up, started to pedal and they dropped behind me. As I hit the single track, there were some pro/experts that had been stopped at the crossing to let the race starters get in. I passed one of the pro/experts as he was struggling to gain his momentum again. I knew that he would catch up with me again soon enough to pass right back. I hit the downhill section and didn’t see anybody again until we started to climb out of the hole. At that time the pro/expert had caught up to me and as he passed made a positive comment about my descent which was encouraging. This is always where I can make up some time as I feel like I’m stronger in the descents than the climbs.
When I hit the first short but STEEP climb, I decided to commit to it and try to make it. It was TOUGH but I managed to keep my momentum getting in and out of the saddle, and it was a great sense of accomplishment when I got to the top and it started to even out and drop again. Of course, I immediately made the decision that I will not be doing that on the subsequent laps as the effort exerted would hurt me for the rest of the race. After that, you get to suffer through some gradual but long climbs mixed up with some rolling descents, and just when you think the worst is over, you hit “the wall”. As the trail turns, you look ahead and there is this rocky, rooty, eroded trail that goes up, up, up. I let my momentum carry me up it as much as I could and once the wheels stopped, I was off the bike pushing/running/walking it up! When I got to the top, I had to stop and stretch a bit before getting back on the bike. This wasted time on every lap for me, but I think it also kept me from cramping.
At some point during the second lap, I was starting to drag really bad and suddenly I noticed that the girl in 2nd was 1 rider back from me. This motivated me to put a little more gas to the pedals and thankful a downhill was right up ahead so I gained some time and distance back on that. During my last lap, I got passed by some of the pro girls. Every time they passed, I would try to hang with them for a bit, but the only place I even came close was on the descents. As soon as we hit the climbs, I was left suffering miserably and eventually had to give in to the fact that I just wasn’t going to be at that level in this lifetime! I hit the last section of the trail, which was a nice flowing descent to the finish. I was so relieved I almost wasn’t sure if I was done or not. “Did I have another lap? Surely not!” As the other riders started coming through and stopping, I relaxed and just enjoyed the fact that another painful race was over.
All in all it was a fun weekend. As the season starts to come to a close, less and less riders are showing up at the start line. Jose and I were both excited when we saw another CBR bright green jersey come through the finish. John Spencer had another great race. He definitely needs to be moving up next year to sport! And of course Jose got his favorite placing… number 8! =)
Jose's take on Ellijay;
Ok, so just call me “Mr. 8th place” if you want. This is the 4th time in 7 races this season I have come in 8th place and to be honest it’s getting kinda old - not bad, just old.
GSC 7 took place at Carter’s Lake, Ellijay, one of the most feared courses in GA due to it’s fast sketchy downhills and of course if you want to go down fast you have to climb a lot. If it tells you anything we usually have the lowest overall turnout at this course – compared to other series races - probably due to its reputation. The difference here from Chatsworth (which was painful) was this course took you up the mountain in stages instead of miles of continuous climbing. You also got three or so sketchy descent sections with some other descents that were just wickedly fast and fun. Still, not what we train for here in Columbus, but not bad overall.
We drove up Saturday for a pre-ride and drove in the rain most of the way. We started fearing a muddy race which would not be a good thing at Carter’s Lake. Thankfully we got to the camp site and it was just drizzling and by the time we got to preride - it was not raining at all. We were happy to see the trail was dusty, not muddy.
Getting to the race recap. I had no need to watch the start line arrangement since it’s a wide road start and a half mile sprint to the woods. We were talking though about who wanted to volunteer going into the woods first since no one wants to drive the pace on this technical trail. There was actually some joking about everyone coming to a dead stop at the woods entrance going “you first”, “no you first”, “no please, you first”, you get the picture - well it was funny at the time.
Off we go on the whistle and the niceties of the start line end. It’s a mad dash to the woods. I was in 6 place just entering the woods and this yahoo didn’t shift from the road sprint deciding to do it just as we enter the woods – which is a climb. Needless to say, he messed himself all up crashed/dismounted and took me along with him. This is a VERY bad thing and a VERY bad spot. I had to clear my bike and push up the bit of hill left while feeling the “wooosh” of at least 4 other guys flying by me. Not a good start to this race which promised to be difficult to begin with. Back on the bike I managed to get the front 10 within sight and tried to close. Got close until we hit the first big climbing section. My effort to catch was not what I needed to face the climb and it just made me blow up. It’s that usual 10 minute after the start exhausted feeling we always get. I climbed the first section and dismounted for the second section of that climb – it had to have been a 30-40 degree incline at least. Nick - "I can confirm that it was STEEEEEP". Doable, but not when I’m blowing up. I walk/run that bit and get back on and pedal. From there I just worked to get my HR back in line and kept going. The race was uneventful from there on. I raced well after that and felt good. No cramps etc. We had 2.5 laps for a total of 16 miles of good climbing and descending action. Great tough trail! At one point I was passed by a Pro so I decided to chase him for a bit and watch him race and OH MY GAWD was that guy fast and fearless. We came up on one of the most scary descents of the trail and he almost appeared to be pedaling instead of laying on his brakes like a normal human being with any sense of fear and bills to pay. If you overshot this descent – which ended in a 90 degree left turn in soft ground – you would have been off the cliff making for a not so nice end to your race. He just skidded last minute – make that seconds – whipping his bike around, both tires appeared to slide as he made the right turn. Never once unclipping his feet - just laid on the cranks and kept going. Made me feel like I was on a tricycle. I think I ride fairly well in the woods but man, there is so much more to be learned...or fear to be lost...or brains cells to kill to make a move like that. So I decided he just doesn’t have a wife and kids to support. That has to be it LOL.
One last spot of note was “the wall” as it is called. That one just gets uglier year after year – another very steep but rocky and rooty climb which you come up on and just have to say “that’s just not worth my time”. Dismounted that one and ran up – which is quicker BTW. Other than that I made all the other climbs as painful as they were sliding into 8th place at the finish. Truthfully I’m not sure how I ended up 8th. I thought I was in 11th place or so and only remember passing one guy. I guess in the haze of racing I picked up a couple spots. I’ll take it – but did it have to be 8th place?!!!
Nicki kicked but as always and I spotted John Spencer coming (didn’t know he was there until then) out of the woods with a second place finish. Good stuff for the CBR mountain crew this weekend. We just need more people out there on mtn bikes. Good times.
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