Barry & Butch crashing after the TTT
The Southeastern All Star series visited the hamlet of Rome Georgia the weekend of July 14 - 15. The event would be a timed stage race that included a Team Time Trial, Criterium and Road Race. Our team - CBR , Columbus Bike Racing, took a 4 man team for the master's and a 5 man team for the Competitive class (Cat 4/5).

Scott & Steve enjoying a late breakfast
The master's team were the first of our group to start. We had Barry Carswell, Butch Brookins, Scott Matty and Steve Murray. The format allows for up to 10 riders, unfortunately, we could only muster four this week. We had a 24K (15.36 mile) Team time trial. We started out a little hard and in doing so, burned through Butch around 25% into the race. The course was flat with slight rises, this led to rather faster speeds and efforts. Butch was able to put in two great pulls through the rotation. This allowed us to keep good speed and keep working. Only Scott and Steve had TT bikes, so Barry and Butch were at a slight disadvantage in equipment. Over the course of the ride, Barry was able to keep us driving, but used up his cardio about 10 miles in. Scott and I continued, but at a slower pace than we had with our team mates. We did not pass any teams, but we also did not allow anyone to pass us. We finished the TTT in under 36 minutes and got 4th place. Butch and Barry were able to complete the course within 20% range of our time which allowed them to keep our time as the overall finish time for the team. Our ending average was 27.5 mph. We were 1 mph slower than the winners, so we were close, but still too far to be in the money.
Breakfast before the Team time trial

The Cat 4/5 team started out with Sam Gwin, Matt Ragan, John Stowe, Victor Karm and Jonathan Cook. The abilities within the group were varying, so they anticipated loosing a rider or two along the way and using whatever boost they could get. Jonathan was the first to fall out, but this was Jonathan's first real race weekend. He did a great job considering he is very new to cycling! John, Matt, Sam and Victor rode a very hard pace and kept it up. They were up against some teams with the full 9 - 10 riders. Matt sacrificed himself with some monster pulls and was off the group late in the TT. Victor, Sam and John stayed together to the end and all 5 guys were awarded the same finish time. They scored a 5th place out of around 15 - 18 teams. Very impressive result for such a small group.

Barry & Butch at the LandMark diner
The criteriums were later in the afternoon and the course had 4 corners, a climb you had to stand for each lap and a blurringly fast decent into a 90 degree turn. It was a fun course. Fast, hard and exciting to race and watch. The master's group did a good job and all finished with the pack. Barry scored with a 10th place, Scott with a 13th, Steve with 15th and Butch with 16th. In the C4/5's - Sam was the strong man and rode the front and took 5th. John was just behind him in the pack with 13th and unfortunately Matt and Victor got caught up behind a wreck mid way through and were out of the race.

The whole team dines together after the crits
The Road Race was held around 30 miles north of Rome at a park call the Pocket. The Pocket is at the base of a small mountain or a really big hill. We had two laps which included climbing the mountain and the final climb was also the race finish at the top. Truly a sadistic design! In the masters and Cat 4/5 groups - the fields stayed together until the climb. We started the race and everyone stayed together until the hill. At that point the field began to spread apart quickly. The climb was around 3 miles with several switch backs. The average grade was around 8 -9% with spots exceeding 20%. As I watched the leaders leave me, I wondered again why I do this. I can tell you - it isn't for the climbing. I had installed a 25 to make the climb easier. I was in need of a 27 by the second time up that hill. For the RR, only Barry, Scott and I were in the race. Butch had only been able to race with us on Saturday. As we approached the summit, Scott was in the chase pack and Barry was just behind them. I crested about 30 - 40 yards behind Barry. I tried to catch him on the decent, but he was just too smooth and fast. We encountered emergency personnel as a Cat 3 rider had taken a spill and had to be airlifted out to a nearby hospital. As the race progressed, I was in no man's land watching the chase pack slowly go away. I rode the remainder of the race solo for around 25 miles. I did stop for a nature break and missed another chase group that was behind me. So, there I was, no hope of a good finish and my overall time down the drain. The scenery was lovely. I time trailed as much as I could to stay on task, but it did little good. Once I hit the hill for the final ascent, I began to cramp badly and was forced off the bike on two occasions. I finished, but in a lack luster showing.

V-man & Jonathan at the Landmark diner
The Cat 4/5's had a similar scenario that their field remained together until the first climb. Sam was able to make a break away group and stayed there for a 6th place finish. The chase group included Victor who finished 12th. Matt & John were in the next group and finished with the field. Jonathan was slightly behind them. It was definitely a hard first race weekend for Jon. He showed alot of heart and will power just competing in a massive field of 75 riders.
The weekend was really fun overall with a good group and some nice results!! I also have to mention "Dora the explorer". Dora Ditchfield, a former resident of Columbus was our local contact in Rome. Dora works at Berry College in Rome and is very active in the local bike club. Dora helped us find our way to everything we needed. Thanks Dora and good luck on the upcoming move to Indiana!!
1 comment:
how is this for a really random comment?!: i was reading through some old journals from berry college and ran across the name 'matt ragan' whom i unfortunately lost track of since i left berry in 96. not sure if this is the same matt ragan or not. but just in case,would love to get back in touch, my email is ebricken@hotmail.com...do you remember cindy black, as well?
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